Worship with us Sundays
in person and on livestream at 10:00 a.m.
Adult Cafe at 9:00 a.m.
Sunday School held during worship.
Children will be dismissed to class after the children's sermon and return at communion.
Temple Lutheran Church is a community dedicated to learning about God and living life together. Through this church, our lives are transformed by meaningful worship and we challenge one another to be the best possible version of ourselves. We learn together, grow together, and serve together.
We are a growing congregation that values relationships and inclusion over exclusivity and pretense. We show forth the radical love of Christ to all people – no exceptions. We hope you'll consider joining us at worship or a special event. We'd love to have you take part in Christ's liberating work in our world.
In-person church and livestream (most Sundays)
"Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God."
(Romans 15:7)
Welcome to Temple Lutheran Church of Havertown. You are not alone.
Each of us is a child of God, made in the image of God. Together, we create a diverse community of people who strive to share the love of Christ and to do God’s work in the world. Jesus imposed no restrictions on who He welcomed at His table and neither do we. Our different experiences make us stronger together than separate. We value diversity of all kinds and invite you to join us as we learn more about God and strive to bring God’s kingdom to all on this earth. We, the people of Temple Lutheran welcome all children of God – made in God’s image – to join us in our work, no matter your race, your ethnicity, your sexual orientation, your gender identity or gender expression, your age, your status, your income, or your ability.
Temple Lutheran Church commits to anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-genderism, anti-classism, anti-abilism because of our love of Jesus Christ and his work in our world. We are a Reconciling in Christ Congregation which extends hospitality, support, encouragement, and full participation to all children of God who seek to join us in doing God’s work.
A Message from our Congregation: