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God's work. Our hands.

From supporting and serving hunger relief organizations, to helping foster children, to visiting homebound, to blanket drives, to helping locally and globally, to providing opportunities for meaningful worship, the many ministries are a vibrant part of Temple Lutheran Church, which help us to "Welcome Unconditionally, Worship Fully, Live Generously and Celebrate Growth" through actions. Below are some of the ways in which Temple Lutheran Church tries to do God's work with our hands. Have more questions about volunteering at church? Email us at for more information.


Feeding Those Who Hunger

Temple Lutheran Church provides food and volunteers certain evenings throughout the year as part of the Life Center of Eastern Delaware County meal program at 63rd and Market Streets. The Life Center serves over 30 meals each evening to the residents, with help from over 40 area churches, synagogues, and temples. Click here for more information on how you can get involved.

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Teaching Sunday School

Sunday School is a fun and engaging program held on most Sundays during worship. Children will begin worship in the sanctuary and then be dismissed after the children's sermon. They will return to worship for communion.

 Younger children learn about God through songs, prayer, Bible stories, crafts, and games, and begin to hear about the many parts in a spiritual environment. Older kids discover how to make their faith active in love through serving others and building relationships, discussing current issues and becoming empowered to apply their Biblical knowledge in practical ways. They examine how to live out the Christian faith, through acts of kindness and purposeful service. To help out, email the church office at


Assist During Worship

Assistant miniter, reader, usher, help distribute communion, set-up and clean-up, and more opportunities to assist during worship.

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TLC Food Pantry

Our TLC Food Pantry is open from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on the 4th Saturday of the month. Please email to help! View more info at

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Volunteer at VBS 

Save the date for next year's VBS! August 4-8! Loads of fun learning about God - what's better than that?! Held for one week each summer, all kids in the community ages 4 to 10 are welcome, whether or not they regularly attend Temple Lutheran Church.  Kids will learn songs, make crafts, hear and tell stories, play games, eat delicious snacks and have lots of fun! Send us an email if you are interested in volunteering. 


Event Volunteers

Several events are held each year including God's Work, Our Hands Sunday, Souper Bowl of Caring, and many others. Programs include collecting Christmas gifts for the women at Chester Eastside Ministries, collecting Christmas presents for foster children through Bethany Services, clothing drives, providing toiletries to those who are homeless or transitional, and more.


Music Ministry

Music plays a central part in our worship services at Temple Lutheran Church, and there are many opportunities for sharing musical talent during worship. Learn more about the music ministries of Temple Lutheran Church.

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