Welcome to Temple Lutheran Church Food Pantry

Welcome Unconditionally
Engage Regularly
Nourish with Food and Fellowship
Respectfully Nourishing our Neighborhood and God's world in the name of Jesus.
TLC Food Pantry
TLC Food Pantry has in person shopping in 2024. The Pantry is open the 4th Saturday of every month from 1-2:30 PM.
Thank you, as always to all of our servants!
To DROP OFF FOOD FOR THE PANTRY, VISIT OUR DOORS on Brookline Blvd, and drop food / items into the large bins outside door. We cannot use expired products. No glass items accepted for the safety of our helpers and clients.
Here is what is currently in need:
Detergent, Paper Towels, Coffee (regular and instant), Tomato Products, Peanut Butter, Canned Fruit and Snacks
Servants and financial donations are always welcome.
Regular Service Help
• Delivery – driving to drop off grocery bags to our patrons
• Helping patrons shop in person, fellowship with patrons, carrying groceries out to transportation for patrons
• Stocking & Organizing the pantry rooms
• Composting – we make use of expired items in our garden
• Recycling – we recycle as many packages as we can
‘Special’ Service Opportunities
• Bag Drop – drop off and pick up bag donations in your neighborhood
• Food Drive – organize through your school, work, or organization
Seasonal Needs
• Toy Drive – we collect toys for our Christmas Toy Bazaar
• School supplies – we collect in the summer for the start of school
Visit our Food Pantry website for more information: tlcfoodpantry.com/
To volunteer, please visit: tlcfoodpantry.com/volunteer/
If you have questions you can email pantry@templelutheran.org